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A-Z Index
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- A+ (Computer Repair & Maintenance)
- A+ School Program
- About SCC
- Academic Advising
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Departments
- Academic Probation
- Academic Programs, Degrees, and Certificates
- Academic Support
- Academics
- Accessibility Services (now Disability Support Services)
- Accessible Parking Map
- Accounting
- Accreditation
- ACE Tutoring Center
- ACT Test Preparation (ACT Cambridge Review)
- Activities
- Add a Course
- Additional Fees
- Administration Building
- Admissions
- Admissions and Records
- Admissions FAQs
- Admissions Policy
- Adult Education & Literacy (AEL)
- Adult Education and Literacy HSE and ELA (formerly ESL) Classes
- Adult Non-Credit Classes
- Advisement (Academic)
- Advisory Committees
- AEL Classes
- Aid (Financial Assistance)
- Allied Health Program Outlines
- Alternative Tuition Payment Plan (Nelnet)
- Alumni
- Annual Report
- Anthropology
- Application for Admission
- Apply for Admissions
- Applying for Financial Aid
- Art
- Art and Graphic Design Transfer Program
- Art Course Descriptions
- Art Shows
- Arts and Entertainment
- Assessment
- Assessment and Placement
- Assessment Center
- Associate of Applied Science Degree
- Associate of Applied Science Degree Graduation Requirements
- Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree
- Associate of Science Degree
- At-a-Glance (SCC Facts & Figures)
- Athletics
- Audit a Course
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- Baseball
- Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
- Biology
- Biology A.S. Degree
- Biology Club
- BLS (Basic Life Support)
- Board of Trustees
- Board Policies
- Bookstore
- Bookstore Return Policy
- Bridge Program for LPNs
- Business & Industry Programs
- Business Administration
- Business Administrative Systems (BAS)
- Business and Community
- Business and Industry Program
- Business Technology (BTC)
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- CAD (Computer-Aided Drafting)
- Calendar
- Campus Closings
- Campus Directory
- Campus Location
- Campus Maps
- Campus Safety
- Campus Services Building
- Campus Use
- Canvas Learning Management System (LMS)
- Capstone Course (COL 299)
- Career Counseling
- Career Services Center
- Cashier
- Catalog
- Center Stage Theatre
- Certificate of Achievement
- Certificate of Achievement Graduation Requirements
- Certificates
- Certified Medication Technician
- Certified Nurse Assistant
- Chaz (SCC Newsletter)
- Chemistry
- Children's Classes
- Chuck (Student Newsletter)
- Cisco Networking Academy
- Class Schedules
- Clubs & Organizations
- Coffeehouse Open-Mic Night
- COL 101 College Success Seminar
- College and Academic Policies
- College Catalog
- College Center
- College Center Rental
- College Credit in High Schools
- College Development
- College District
- College Fair
- College Foundation
- College Information
- College Maps
- College Mission, Vision & Values
- College News
- College Success
- College Values
- College Vision
- Commencement
- Communications
- Community Education
- Community Partnerships
- Community Programs
- Community Use of Campus
- Computer (CPT/CPC/CPM) Course Descriptions
- Computer Help Desk
- Computer Lab (ACE Tutoring Center)
- Computer Programming A.A.S.
- Computer Science
- Computer Science - Multimedia and Web Design
- Computer Science _ба Database Management
- Computer Science _ба Management Information Systems
- Computer Science _ба Networking
- Computer Science _ба Programming
- Computers for Recreational Use
- Conduct Administration
- Conduct Code, Students
- Confidentiality of Student Records
- Consumer Information (Federal Disclosures)
- Continuing Education Course Schedule
- Cooperative Programs
- Copyright Infringement
- Corequisite Courses
- Corporate & Community Development
- Corporate & Community Development Programs
- Cost of Attendance
- CougarMail (Student Email)
- CougarNews (Student e-Newsletter)
- Counseling (Academic Advising)
- Counseling, Mental Health
- Course Descriptions
- Course Fees
- Course Offerings by Semester
- Course Schedule & Descriptions
- Credit Course Descriptions
- Credit Programs
- Criminal Justice
- Customized Training
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- Dance
- Database Management A.A.S.
- Dates and Deadlines
- Degrees
- Degrees and Certificates
- Department Directory
- Departmental Examination
- Diploma
- Directions to Campus/Maps
- Directory
- Directory Listing
- Directory of Academic Programs
- Disabilities Services for Students
- Disability Support Services (DSS)
- Dislocated Worker Program
- Distance Learning (Online Classes)
- Distribution of Partisan Literature
- District, College
- Donald D. Shook Fine Arts Building
- Donate
- Drop a Course (Withdraw)
- Drug-Free Campus
- Dual-Enrolled High School Student
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- 80s Run
- Eastern Missouri Law Enforcement Academy
- Education
- Elderhostel Program (now Road Scholar)
- Emergency Information
- Emergency Medical Science A.A.S.
- Emergency Response Plan
- Employee Directory
- Employee Newsletter (e-Outlook)
- Employee Portal (mySCC)
- Employment Opportunities at SCC
- Employment- Student Job Search
- Engineering Course Descriptions
- Engineering Program
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Credit Classes
- English as a Second Language Non-Credit Classes (ELA, formerly ESL)
- English Language Acquisition (ELA, formerly ESL) Non-Credit Classes
- English/Literature
- Enrollment Services
- Enrollment Verification
- Entertainment (Arts on Campus)
- Evaluation of Credits Earned Elsewhere
- Events Calendar
- Expert Guide
- Explore Our Campus
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- Facility Rental
- Facts & Figures
- Faculty Directory
- Faculty Portal (mySCC)
- False Information, Penalty For
- Federal Disclosures
- Federal Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID
- Film Series and Student Film Festival
- Financial Aid
- Financial Assistance Appeals Process
- Financial Assistance Refund Policy
- Financial Assistance, Applying For
- Financial Assistance, Other Assistance Programs
- Financial Services
- Fine Arts Building
- Fitness Center
- Foreign Language
- Foundation Board
- Foundation Department
- Foundation Scholarships
- Frequently Asked Questions
- FSA ID (Federal Student Aid)
- Fun Run (1-Mile, That '80s Run)
- Future Students
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- GEDÑ‹Ñ… Information (See High School Equivalency, HSE, HiSET)
- General Technology A.A.S. Program Outline
- Geography
- Geography Course Descriptions
- Geology
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
- Global Culture/Global Studies
- Glossary
- Grades
- Graduation
- Grants
- Graphic Design
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- Health and Wellness
- Health Information Technology Program (now Health Information Management)
- Health Occupations
- Healthy Campus
- Healthy Student Community
- Help Centers
- Help Desk
- Help with Transferring
- High School A+
- High School Credits
- High School Equivalency (HSE) and HiSET Test
- High School Students (Dual-Enrollment)
- Higher Learning Commission
- HiSET Test (High School Equivalency)
- History
- History of the College
- HLC (The Higher Learning Commission)
- Hockey (Roller Hockey Club)
- Home-Schooled Student Enrollment
- Honor Society (Phi Theta Kappa)
- Honors Program
- HSE (High School Equivalency) Information
- HSE Classes (High School Equivalency)
- Human Resources
- Human Services
- Humanities Building
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- I.D. Card, Student
- Immunization Against Communicable Diseases
- In-District Student Tuition
- Inclement Weather
- Individualized Study Courses
- Intercollegiate Athletics
- International Students
- Internet Access
- Internships
- IV Therapy (Non-Credit Course)
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- Job Fairs
- Job Opportunities at SCC
- Job Preparation
- Job Search Assistance
- Job Search Counseling
- Job Shadowing Opportunities
- Jobs and Internships
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- Law Enforcement Academy
- Learn English (ELA, ESL non-credit classes)
- Learn English (ESL credit classes)
- Learning Resource Center
- Library
- Literature Course Descriptions
- Loans
- Locations
- LPN Bridge Program
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- Make-Up Tests
- Management Information Systems A.A.S.
- Maps and Directions to Campus
- Mass Communication Classes
- Master Calendar
- Materials on Campus, Posting/Distributing
- Mathematics
- Media Inquiries
- Medical Coding
- Medical Transcription
- Medication Technician
- Mental Health Services
- Microsoft Academy
- Mission, Vision & Values
- Missouri Dislocated Worker Program
- Money Management Info (SALT) for Students
- Multimedia and Web Design
- Music
- Music Performances
- mySCC Portal
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- Nelnet Payment Plan
- New Student Checklist
- New Student Information
- New Student Step-by-Step Registration
- News (College)
- Newsletter, Campus
- Non-Credit Courses
- Nondiscrimination Policy/Title IX
- Nurse Assistant
- Nursing
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- 1-Mile Fun Run (That '80s Run)
- Off-Campus Sites
- Older Adult Discount
- Online Classes (Distance Learning)
- Online Registration (SCC Connection)
- Open-Mic Night (SCC Coffeehouse)
- Order Textbooks Online
- Organization Chart of SCC
- Out-of-District, In-State Student
- Out-of-District, Out-of-State Tuition
- Over 50 Crowd
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- Paraprofessional, Education A.A.S.
- Parent & Family Member Guide
- Partnerships
- Paul and Helen Schnare Library
- Paying for College
- Petitions
- Pharmacy Technician
- Phi Beta Lambda
- Phi Theta Kappa
- Philosophy
- Phlebotomy
- Phone Directories
- Physical Science
- Placement and Assessment
- Plays (Theater Performances)
- Plaza Bistro
- Plus 50 Classes and Programs
- Police Academy
- Policies, Academic and College
- Political Science
- Portal (mySCC)
- Posting Guidelines
- Posting Materials on Campus
- Practical Nurse Review
- President's Message
- President's Office
- Presidents Report
- Privacy (Student Records)
- Privacy Policy
- Professional Education, Continuing
- Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment
- Proposition Community College
- Psychology
- Public Safety
- Publications (College)
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- Race Events (10K, 5K, Fun Run, That '80s Run)
- Reading
- Records
- Recreational Computers
- Refund Policy and Schedule, Tuition
- Refund Policy, Financial Assistance
- Refunds, Tuition
- Register for Continuing Education Classes (Non-Credit)
- Register for Credit Classes
- Research Guides
- Residency, Change In
- Residency, College District
- Resident Alien Admissions
- Returning Learners
- RN First Assistant
- RN Nursing Program
- Road Scholar Program (formerly Elderhostel)
- Roller Hockey
- Room Rental
- Run (That '80s Run)
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- Safe and Healthy Campus
- Safety, Campus
- SALT (money management program for students)
- SCC Foundation
- SCCougar Student Newspaper
- Schedule Guides
- Scholarships
- School Business Programs
- Science Department
- Self Study
- Services for Students With Disabilities
- Skilled Trades A.A.S. Program Outline
- Smoke-Free Campus
- Soccer
- Soccer, Men's
- Soccer, Women's
- Social Science Society
- Social Sciences Building
- Social Work Transfer Program, Schedule Guide
- Sociology
- Softball
- Sophomore Portfolio Assessment (COL 299)
- Speakers Bureau
- Sports (Club)
- Sports (Intercollegiate Teams)
- Spring Race (That '80s Run)
- Staff Development
- Staff Directory
- Staff Portal (mySCC)
- Staff Training and Education Program
- STEP Training Schedule (SCC Employee Training)
- Student Activities
- Student Center
- Student Clubs
- Student Concerns
- Student Conduct
- Student Conduct Code
- Student Consumer Information (Federal Disclosures)
- Student E-Newsletter (CougarNews)
- Student Email (CougarMail)
- Student Employment Services
- Student Film Festival
- Student Handbook
- Student Honors Society
- Student Jobs
- Student Life
- Student Loans
- Student Newsletter (Chuck)
- Student Newspaper (SCCougar)
- Student Organizations
- Student Portal (mySCC)
- Student Publications
- Student Recognition Ceremony (HSE/ELA/ESL)
- Student Records (FERPA)
- Student Resources
- Student Senate
- Student Services
- Students Not Seeking Degrees
- Students Seeking Degrees
- Students With Disabilities, Services
- Study Assistance
- Study Tours
- Success Stories
- Suicide Prevention
- Supporters (Foundation)
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- 10K Race (That '80s Run)
- Table Reservations
- Technology Building
- Telecourses
- Telephone Directory
- Test Drive Your Career (Be Ready)
- Testimonials (Foundation)
- Testimonials (Student)
- Testing Services
- Textbooks, Ordering Online
- That '80s Run
- Theater Course Descriptions
- Theater Performances
- Theater Rental
- Theatre
- Third Party Billing
- Title IX Information
- Tobacco-Free Campus
- Training
- Transcripts
- Transfer Agreements with Four-Year Institutions
- Transfer Guide
- Transfer Information
- Transfer Process
- Transfer Student
- Transfer to SCC
- Transferring SCC Credits
- Trustees (SCC Board of Trustees)
- Tuition and Fees
- Tuition Payment Plan (Nelnet)
- Tuition Refund Policy and Schedule
- Tutoring (ACE Tutoring Center)
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- U.S. Constitution Test
- Unemployed Worker Services
- University of Missouri-St. Louis
- Use of Campus
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- Values of the College
- Veterans Benefits
- Video Courses
- Video/Telecourse Fee
- Viewbook
- Vision of the College
- Visual Arts Building
- Volunteer Opportunities (Foundation)
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- Weapon-Free Campus
- Weather Announcements (Guidelines)
- Web Design
- Wellness Expo (That '80s Run)
- Wireless Network Connection
- Withdraw (Drop a Course)
- Withdrawal From College
- Work Study Program
- Workforce Training
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