Tips for College Success

ACE Tutoring Center

Visit SCC's highly-regarded ACE Tutoring Center where SCC students find the help they need to succeed. And, there are computer labs!

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Your success is important to us.

SCC faculty and staff are here to assist you in reaching your academic goals. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance and/or guidance! 

Your internal motivation and organization is key. College can be demanding. You may have to give up some free time or not take that extra shift at work in order to reach the goals you have set for your academic progress. If times get tough, remind yourself of what you are striving to achieve. Below is a list of ideas and pointers for success.


Enroll in College Success Seminar (COL-101). It's required for all first-time freshmen. Learn what resources are available to you to succeed, plan for your degree, research possible careers, learn to manage your time and meet and connect with others.

Master your time. There is only so much time in a day. So, be realistic about the number of courses you take. Remember you still need to study, sleep, maybe work, and other obligations that take up time. It is much better to take fewer classes and do very well rather than taking more that you can handle and barely succeed. For college courses, it is highly suggested that students plan two hours of study time a week for EACH credit hour enrolled in.

Read the course syllabus. Your professor will hand out the syllabus usually on the first day of class. This document is critical to your success in the course. Due dates, expectations, assignments, grading information, the instructor’s contact information, office hours and other information can be found on the syllabus.

Keep a planner: From the syllabus, note when tests and papers are due. Schedule work, study time, sleep and any other obligations.

Divide up larger projects into smaller chunks. Quizzes and tests are studied for over the course of a week. Paper or project ideas should begin when the instructor hands out the assignment.

Do not miss class and make sure to arrive on time. College classes cover material at a much faster rate than high-school classes do, so missing classes can cause you to fall behind quickly.

Professors want you to succeed. Visit your professors during office hours if you have questions or need clarification.

Actively engage in your classes. Participate, ask questions and demonstrate interest in the subject. Turn off your cell phone.

Learn what resources SCC offers and where they are located. If you are not sure, ask an academic counselor for assistance.

Get involved with student activities and clubs. Your experience at SCC can be awesome and you will only get out of it what you put into it. So, go ahead. Join a club and meet new people, connect with others, gain leadership skills and have fun!

Maintain your health. Eat well, sleep well, and schedule some sort of regular physical activity. These activities are often the first neglected when time is limited but also the most important to help you succeed.

Meet with an Academic Advisor to make sure you are completing the necessary coursework for your academic plan, discuss strategies for your success, and/or explore what academic path may be best for you.

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