690 General Information

690 General Information


Computer Usage

Room Security

All computer classrooms are kept locked, except when in use or under the direct supervision of staff. Full-time faculty, DPS officers, and division office coordinators have keys and will unlock the room for the first class. DPS checks rooms throughout the day and ensures that all computer classrooms are locked at the end of the evening.

Classroom Usage

Computer classrooms are assigned to specific departments for their use. Other departments that wish to use a computer lab need to schedule a room through their division office coordinator.

Network Management

Software applications to the network are arranged through the IT Department. Such requests should be made at least two months in advance, so that the compatibility, licensure, and configuration issues can be arranged before the class is offered. Purchase of software is the responsibility of the dean with input from the IT staff . Regular meetings are held with all disciplines involved with the network to ensure that one department's needs do not infringe upon another's. This provides for as much academic freedom as possible without destroying the integrity of the network. IT staff will determine whether the requested software is compatible with the computer equipment and will schedule installation if needed.

See Board Policy 801 – Information and Technology Resources.


Emergency Services

In the event of an immediate medical emergency, call 911 or 8545 (DPS). All accidents, injuries, potential safety hazards, safety suggestions, and health and safety related issues must be reported immediately to the Department of Public Safety and then to your supervisor. Please be advised that when dialing 911 from a campus telephone, DPS is automatically notified through the telephone system.

For additional information, see Emergency Response Plan.


Evening and Saturday Coverage

The Information Desk in the Administration Building (ADM) atrium is staffed from 4-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays when classes are in session. The Information Desk accepts payments, student registrations, gives information, and answers the switchboard.

The Humanities Building (HUM) is staffed on the first floor in the Corporate & Community Development office until 6:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday.

Instructional media support is available until 10 p.m. Monday-Thursday and until 4:30 p.m. Friday. There is a professional staff member on duty in the Learning Resources Center at all times when the facility is open.



Faculty may obtain keys to their offices, suites, and laboratories in their area through the dean. All office suites, AV closets, and instructional media areas are opened with the A-3 key. If other keys are needed, check with the dean.

The buildings are locked if the College is closed. If access to the buildings is needed, contact the Department of Public Safety in the Campus Services Building (ext. 8545). A College identification card is needed for verification.


Lost and Found

Items found on campus should be turned in to the Public Safety office located in the Campus Services Building.

See Board Policy 587.0 – Lost and Found.


Protection of College Property

Any suspicious situation at the College should be reported immediately to the Department of Public Safety or to the College switchboard operator.


Scheduling of Classrooms

Each class is assigned a classroom based on department and course needs. There may be times, however, when circumstances warrant a change, either permanent or temporary. When a room change is requested, please contact the Scheduling Coordinator as far in advance as possible.


Eating and Drinking in Classrooms/Laboratories

Eating and drinking in classrooms should be done with care to maintain a safe, clean environment.

Content Owner: Human Resources

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