640 Grades and Grading

640 Grades and Grading


Grading System

Faculty members have the responsibility for grading. However, whatever criteria are used must appear in the course syllabus so students know what is expected, how to accomplish the objectives for the course, and due dates. Detailed procedures for online grading are provided to each faculty member by the Registrar two weeks prior to the date midterm and final grades are due.

During the last week of each semester, comprehensive final exams or other educational or evaluative events are expected for all courses, with certain exceptions (labs, fieldwork and practicums, private lessons, and others as determined by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.)

The grading system includes the following:

A – (Excellent) I – (Incomplete) --see note below
B – (Above Average) P – (Pass, Remedial Courses Only )
C – (Average) R – (Re-enroll, Remedial Courses Only)
D – (Below Average) V – (Audit)
F – (Failing) W – (Withdrawal)

NOTE: An "I" grade indicates instructor's and College's willingness to assist the student in completing course requirements independently and to ultimately award a grade. It should be assigned only to students who are near the end of the semester when independent completion of course requirements is probable and achievable. Course requirements must be completed by the eighth week of the next full semester, or a failing grade will be assigned. Faculty can extend this time period under special circumstances.


Attendance Reporting

Due to financial aid audit requirements, the following procedures are implemented:

  1. Student attendance records must be kept for five (5) years. If faculty do not wish to personally keep the records, they can be given to the division office coordinator for filing. They may be in the form of grade books or class rosters with verified attendance, or attendance records.
  2. Federal Financial Aid recipients are required to submit verification of attendance prior to each of their scheduled disbursement of funds. Students are given an Attendance Verification Form that must be signed and dated for each class in which they are enrolled. The faculty's signature serves as verification of attendance by the student for eligibility of federal funds.

Grade Reporting

Midterm grades are reported only for those students who are receiving "D", "R", or "F" grades ("R" grades are for remedial courses only). Midterm grades are not collected for terms that are eight weeks or less in duration.

All grades are submitted online. Faculty must activate their SCC Connection login ID and password prior to entering grades. Online grading access will be available beginning two weeks prior to the deadline for submission. Information is sent to faculty via e-mail and campus mail with instructions and deadline dates prior to each grading session.

Instructors needing to change a final grade (e.g. an incomplete grade or correcting an error) can do so online during the time period online grading is available. After online grading has ended, a Change of Grade Form will need to be completed and submitted to the Registrar's Office.


Satisfactory Academic Progress

To encourage satisfactory progress throughout enrollment, the College has adopted Board Policy 429.1 – Satisfactory Academic Progress.

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