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Course Schedule & Descriptions
Course Schedules
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ART 1001 Art Appreciation (3)
An introduction to the visual arts that provides an opportunity for students to acquire knowledge, cognition, and perception of the universal
qualities of humankind's artistic heritage by studying the elements and principles of art and design and the media, techniques, and processes in
art. The course may engage students in critical and creative thinking about various visual and popular art topics from social, historical, and
cultural contexts through theoretical or practical approaches. This course will not fulfill the requirements for a major in art.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR ARTS 100 – Art Appreciation
Course Type(s):
ART 1105 Digital Art Studio (3)
Focus on introducing students to digital art forms, software programs, and the interrelationship of art and technology. Students will gain experience using digital tools to create fine art & graphic communications pieces weaving technical skills into creative vision.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 1200 2-D Design (3)
Introduction to the basic study, use, and control of the art elements and principles of two-dimensional design that are fundamental to all visual arts through assigned problems using readings, discussion and exercises employing a variety of materials and tools.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 1205 Color Theory (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1200 with a grade of C or better
Continue to build mastery in both use and understanding of design elements and principles with specific emphasis on the interaction and application of color in design and exploration of various color theories through a series of exercises.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 1300 3-D Design (3)
Introduction to the basic study, use, and control of the art elements and principles that govern three-dimensional design and structure through assigned problems using readings, discussion and exercises designed to employ of a variety of concepts, materials and tools specific to the construction of three-dimensional art making. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105S – Studio Art - Sculpture
Course Type(s):
ART 1400 Drawing I (3)
Introduction to drawing through variety of methods, both traditional and contemporary. Emphasis placed on analysis of space and form as well as familiarization with and control of drawing material. Introduction to line, perspective, shading, and texture.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105D – Studio Art - Drawing
Course Type(s):
ART 1405 Drawing II (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1400 with a grade of C or better
This course is a continuation of ART-1400 with a reassessment of various techniques and drawing exercises. This includes an emphasis on color and the use of a variety of media, subject matter, and the development of individual expression.
Course Type(s):
ART 1500 Survey of Western Art History I: Prehistory to End of the Middle Ages (3)
Survey art history course focusing on historically significant cultures and forms of art and architecture in Western Civilization. Exploration of the development of human achievements from Prehistory to the end of the Middle Ages.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR ARTS 101 – Art History I
Course Type(s):
ART 1505 Survey of Western Art History II: Renaissance to the Twentieth Century (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1001 or ART 1500 with a grade of C or better
Survey art history course focusing on historically significant cultures and forms of art and architecture in Western Civilization. Exploration of the development of human achievements from the Renaissance to the 20th century. Offered in Spring only.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR ARTS 102 – Art History II
Course Type(s):
ART 2100 History of Graphic Design (3)
This is a survey course on the history of Graphic Design. This course will cover the history and development of visual communication. It will begin with the development of language and will trace the evolution of word and image throughout history using the works of designers and illustrators that have influenced the continuing development of the discipline. There will be an emphasis on the influence of technology, culture, major artistic movements, and socio-political factors on the evolution of graphic design.
Course Type(s):
ART 2110 Visualization & Layout (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1105 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission
This is a studio format course providing students an introduction to the digital tools and concepts of making visually baed work across multiple platforms and working methods. The course focuses on composition and layout, investigating a range of design environments ranging from print, multi-page publishing, as well as interactive application formats. Basic graphic design concepts as well as design vocabulary are a fundamental part of the course content. Typography, the use of space, and traditional industry standards and practices will be included, as well as pre-press guidelines for both print an digital media.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 2120 Typography (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1105 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission
Focus of course will stress the refined use of typography as a design and communication tool. Students will study the history and classifications of letter-forms and use it in the creation of various typographical designs and presentations. Typical projects may range from letter and alphabet design to the use of typographical forms as the feature design elements in graphic designs or page layouts. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 2130 Digital Imaging & Illustration (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1105 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission
Focus on the creation and digital manipulation of artwork & images increasing familiarity with basic tools used the design. Projects focus on artwork and logo creation, image correction and adjustment, combining imagery, color correction, etc. Discussion and demonstration of traditional printing technology. Review of legal issues related to digital imagery and freelance design included. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 2140 Web Design (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2130 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission
Emphasis on web page design & development. Topics include the conceptualization and construction of a variety of web sites, including individual pages, HTML, email, animation, etc. Implementation of all aspects of graphic design will play a part in the overall class. This is a continuation of student design studies, applying graphic concepts to the interactive Web. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA
Course Type(s):
ART 2160 Animation & Motion Graphics (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1105 and ART 2130 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission
In this studio format course, students will learn the basics of motion graphics and animation through completion of project-oriented experiences that may include movie/tv show titles, kinetic typography, commercials, info graphics and animated shorts.
Course Type(s):
ART 2170 Video Production (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2810 with a grade of C or better or ART 1105 and ART 2800 with grades of C or better or instructor permission
Course will focus on video art as an expressive media. Students will learn the basics of video production/post production through completion of finished projects that may include music videos, interview/maker videos, commercials, how to videos, comedy shorts and short form stories. Cost of course may exceed $200. Offered in Fall only.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 107
Course Type(s):
ART 2199 Portfolio Design and Professional Practices (3)
Prerequisites: Instructor permission
The focus of this course will emphasize the opportunities and procedures in various fields of graphic design, illustration, and related creative industries. Students will be guided in the curation and preparation of a portfolio of their work, a resume, related documents, and will learn practical interviewing techniques. The intent will be to prepare students to enter the creative fields or related opportunities with a confident and professional attitude. The course will culminate in a Portfolio Review determining successful degree completion by the student.
Course Type(s):
ART 2210 Modern and Contemporary Art History (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1001 or ART 1500 or ART 1505 with a grade of C or better
Art History lecture course focusing on significant artistic developments and forms of art and architecture through exploration of the development of human achievements in the modern and contemporary era. Contact department chair for course availability.
Course Type(s):
ART 2220 History of Photography (3)
Exploration of photography, its historical development, an examination of it as an art medium, and its influence on the development of modern art and contemporary culture. Contact department chair for course availability.
Course Type(s):
ART 2300 Drawing III (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1405 with a grade of C or better
Continuation of Drawing II. Emphasis on using a variety of drawing materials and subject matter. Students will determine the use of the appropriate media to develop their own content and individual expression.
Course Type(s):
ART 2310 Figure Drawing I (3)
Introduction to human-figure drawing through traditional and contemporary methods. Emphasis on analysis of space and form as well as human anatomy. Offered in Spring only.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105D – Studio Art - Introduction to Drawing
Course Type(s):
ART 2320 Figure Drawing II (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2310 with a grade of C or better
Continuation of Figure Drawing I with introduction of color theory and wet-drawing media. Offered in Spring only.
Course Type(s):
ART 2330 Figure Drawing III (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2320 with a grade of C or better
Studio art course that expands upon the core principles explored in Figure Drawing I and II along with broader experimentation in use of materials and deeper personal expression. Offered in Spring only.
Course Type(s):
ART 2400 Painting I (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1400 with a grade of C or better
Studio course where students work with oil paints to realistically represent subject matter in the tradition of Western Art and participate in critique sessions. Paint density, texture and chemistry will be discussed. The formal aspects of drawing will be applied. Painting demonstrations are designed to help each student understand the objective of the assignments. Students will prepare their own painting surfaces in order to learn and appreciate the craft involved with the entire process of creating a finished work of art. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105P – Studio Art - Painting
Course Type(s):
ART 2401 Painting for Non-Art Majors (3)
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of painting in a studio environment. Students will become familiar with the materials and techniques used in painting. This course will not fulfill the requirements for a major in art. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105P – Studio Art - Painting
Course Type(s):
ART 2410 Painting II (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2400 with a grade of C or better
Studio course where students work with paint to represent subject matter, broaden techniques learned in ART 2410, develop personal expression and participate in critique sessions. Paint density, texture and chemistry will be discussed. Painting demonstrations are designed to help each student understand the objective of the assignments. Students will prepare their own painting surfaces in order to learn and appreciate the craft involved with the entire process of creating a finished work of art. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2420 Painting III (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2410 with a grade of C or better
Continuation of Painting II. Special projects in both traditional and nontraditional materials and subject matter. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2430 Topics: Advanced Painting (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2420
Advanced course on contract individual study basis to gain greater expertise in painting. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2500 Ceramics I (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1300 with a grade of C or better
A study of the basic principles of ceramics and ceramic art making with emphasis on the hand-building process and introduction to wheel throwing. Studio operations such as clay mixing, clay recycling, glaze mixing and kiln loading will also be covered.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105C – Studio Art - Ceramics
Course Type(s):
ART 2501 Ceramics for Non-Art Majors (3)
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of ceramics in a studio environment. Students will become familiar with the materials and techniques used in ceramics. This course will not fulfill the requirements for a major in art.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105C – Studio Art - Ceramics
Course Type(s):
ART 2510 Ceramics II (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2500 with a grade of C or better
Continuation of Ceramics I with more emphasis on wheel throwing skills, experimentation with glazes and creative design and expression. How to run a ceramics facility is covered through course participation in studio operations.
Course Type(s):
ART 2520 Topics: Advanced Ceramics (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2510 with a grade of C or better
Advanced course on contract individual study basis to gain greater expertise in ceramics.
Course Type(s):
ART 2550 Jewelry I (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1300 with a grade of C or better
Introduction to materials and processes of jewelry making. Techniques include cutting, piercing, filing, joining, casting, forging, soldering, and cold connections. Stress on intricacies of working with different metals and experimental media and design concepts along with personal expression. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105M – Studio Art - Multimedia Crafts
Course Type(s):
ART 2551 Jewelry for Non-Art Majors (3)
An introduction to the basic essentials of making jewelry in an art studio environment. Students will become familiar with the materials and techniques used in making jewelry. This course will not fulfill the requirements for a major in art. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105M – Studio Art - Multimedia Crafts
Course Type(s):
ART 2560 Jewelry II (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2550 with a grade of C or better
Further exploration and refinement of metal fabrication processes as introduced in Jewelry I. Techniques may include soldering, jewelry scale casting, surface embellishment techniques, enameling techniques, hydraulic die forming and mechanism design to create jewelry and small scale objects. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2570 Topics: Advanced Jewelry (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2560 with a grade of C or better
Advanced course on contract individual study basis to gain greater expertise in jewelry making. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2600 Sculpture I (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1300 with a grade of C or better
Introduction to sculpture materials, skills, history, and concepts. Explores methods in manipulation of traditional and experimental sculptural media, including additive and subtractive techniques. Involves studio work, research, lecture, and discussion. Emphasis as much on learning technique as understanding concepts and personal expression. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105S – Studio Art - Sculpture
Course Type(s):
ART 2601 Sculpture for Non-Art Majors (3)
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of sculpture in a studio environment. Students will become familiar with the materials and techniques used in sculpture. This course will not fulfill the requirements for a major in art. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105S – Studio Art - Sculpture
Course Type(s):
ART 2610 Sculpture II (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2600 with a grade of C or better
Emphasis on artisanship, exploration, and research to gain more sophisticated and self-motivated personal direction. Introduces skills in welding and metal fabrication as well as individual media choices. May include some metal casting. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2620 Figure Sculpture (Figurative Clay Sculpture I) (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2600 with a grade of C or better
Introduction to basics of figure sculpture using the human figure as reference for subject matter for modeling in clay over an armature. Some other ways of constructing the figure may also be investigated. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2630 Topics: Advanced Sculpture (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2610 or ART 2620 with a grade of C or better
Advanced course on contract individual study basis to gain greater expertise in sculpture. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2700 Intro to Printmaking (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1400 or ART 1200 with a grade of C or better
Introduction to basic traditional printmaking processes. It is assumed upon entrance that students have no prior printmaking knowledge. Processes covered include: Woodcut (black and white woodcut, color woodcut), Intaglio (etching, acquaint, drypoint), and Monotype. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 2701 Printmaking for Non-Art Majors (3)
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of printmaking in a studio environment. Students will become familiar with the materials and techniques used in printmaking. This course will not fulfill the requirements for a major in art. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 2710 Relief Printmaking (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2700 with a grade of C or better
This course is designed to build upon basic relief printing processes covered in Intro to Printmaking. Processes covered include: Reductive woodcut, Multiple Block Woodcut, Wood Engraving, Monotype, and Relief Printed Collagraph. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2720 Intaglio Printmaking (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2700 with a grade of C or better
This course is designed to build upon basic intaglio processes covered in Intro to Printmaking. Processes covered include: Color Intaglio (multiple plate, a la poupee), Engraving, Soft Ground, Sugar lift, Spit Bite, and Collagraph. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2730 Topics: Advanced Printmaking (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2710 or ART 2720 with a grade of C or better
Advanced course on contract individual study basis to gain greater expertise in printmaking. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2750 Fibers (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1200 or ART 1300 with a grade of C or better
In-depth exploration of the processes of creating art textiles. Draws upon contemporary and historical sources and personal imagery for expression using the fiber medium. Techniques include direct application of dyes and pigments with various resist methods, screen print processes, creating a dimensional fiber form, and exploring pattern structures. Students create within directed problems and develop abilities to verbalize ideas through conversations and critiques. Offered in Fall only.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105M – Studio Art - Multimedia Crafts
Course Type(s):
ART 2751 Fibers for Non-Art Majors (3)
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of Fiber and Textile based art in a studio environment. Students will become familiar with the materials and techniques used in Fibers. This course will not fulfill the requirements for a major in art. Offered in Fall only.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105M – Studio Art - Multimedia Crafts
Course Type(s):
ART 2795 Special Problems in Studio Art: Fibers (3)
Prerequisites: Instructor permission
Advanced study in studio art discipline beyond courses appearing in this catalog. Projects predetermined through interview with instructor, completed during studio times offered in discipline. Offered in Fall only.
Course Type(s):
ART 2810 Digital Photography I (3)
This is a studio format course focusing on the basic processes and procedures of creating imagery through the usage of cameras and new technology, as well as other devices. The course will explore the digital toolbox as a means for photographic input, output, and basic imagine manipulation. There will be a strong emphasis on ideas, concepts, and creativity as relevant to new technology, as a vehicle for expression.
Fundamental computer skills are required. The course utilizes the Apple Mac OS platform. Students will be responsible for their own DSLR camera with RAW capabilities as well as other supplies. Coursework revolves around a non-destructive, archival DNG workflow, utilizing RAW capture. Your phone camera, although handy, is alone not enough to understand the concepts and complete the assignments at hand.
The cost of course supplies may exceed $200 not including your camera. This is not a software seminar or an Adobe Photoshop course. This course is about bringing your ideas to life through the digital photographic toolbox. Most importantly... this is a course in seeing.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Art - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 2830 Digital Photography II (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2810 with a grade of C or better
Intermediate exploration of the aesthetics and techniques of digital photography including a further investigation of the constructed image, color management, asset management and output methods. Students will produce one or more portfolios of digital images. Students will be responsible for their own 8-10 megapixel adjustable digital camera minimum as well as other supplies. DSLR cameras with RAW capabilities are preferred. Cost of course supplies may exceed $200.
Course Type(s):
ART 2840 Photography III (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2820 or ART 2830 with a grade of C or better
This courses is a continuation in understanding photography and images in terms of how they function as art work with emphasis on technical
consistency and sophistication in expression of ideas.
Course Type(s):
ART 2850 Topics: Advanced Photography (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2840
Advanced course on contract individual study basis to gain greater expertise in photography. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2855 Special Topics in Photography (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2820 or ART 2830 or instructor permission
Variable content covering in-depth advanced topics in technique and subject matter not covered in regular curriculum. Topics vary and may include subjects such as portrait photography and lighting, location photography: landscape and architecture, non-silver photographic processes, working with color positives, etc. Class may be repeated for credit up to three times if different topic is studied. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2860 Studio Lighting (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2810 with a grade of C or better
Provides hands-on instruction in the photographic studio in the manipulation and utilization of light for the production of professional quality images. Students are taught to accurately control lighting for portraits, objects, products, etc. to create strong portfolio images. Cost of course supplies may exceed $200. Offered in Fall only.
Course Type(s):
ART 2870 Event Photography (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2810 with a grade of C or better
Students learn to use their technical expertise, creativity and composition skills to produce and preserve images that visually tell a story or record an event. Photographic techniques and location considerations are discussed as well as the business practices essential to be successful in the profession. Cost of course supplies may exceed $200. Contact department chair for course availability.
Course Type(s):
ART 2900 Illustration and Sequential Art I (3)
Prerequisites: ART 1400 with a grade of C or better
Explore techniques, materials and methods of illustration and sequential art. Projects emphasize individual creativity and concept but also emphasize best practices for working with clients. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PERF 105GA – Studio Arts - Graphic Arts
Course Type(s):
ART 2910 Illustration and Sequential Art II (3)
Prerequisites: ART 2900 with a grade of C or better
Continuation of Illustration I with an advanced approach. Emphasis on subject interpretation and individual avenue of study using variety of art mediums. Offered in Fall and Spring.
Course Type(s):
ART 2930 Gallery Management Internship (3)
Prerequisites: Instructor permission
Basic processes and procedures of curating a fine art exhibition and managing exhibition space. Explore SCC’s community art venue from a behind-the-scenes perspective while developing an understanding of the responsibilities of managing, funding, and maintaining exhibition space. Participation in installation and planning of SCC Gallery exhibitions. Field trips to Art Galleries & Art Museums.
Course Type(s):
ART 2950 Visual Arts Studio Internship (3)
Prerequisites: Instructor permission
On-the-job experience in visual arts. Students may apply for an internship with artists or art-related businesses to enhance career readiness. Visual arts studio internships must be approved and sponsored by a faculty advisor.
Course Type(s):
ART 2970 Art and Architecture Field Studies (1-3)
Prerequisites: One of the following: ART 1001, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 2750, 2401, 2501, 2551, 2601, 2701, 2751, 2800, 2930 or instructor permission
Field course covering art, architecture, and history of a region of the world involving supervised on-site field studies and coursework outlined in an individual learning agreement. Includes lectures, directed readings, writing, drawing, photography, and other creative projects as well as visits to important sites and artifacts. Students must also register for and participate in approved academic study tour, study abroad, or field experience. Contact department chair for course availability.
Course Type(s):
ART 2995 Special problems in Studio Art (3)
Prerequisites: Instructor permission
Advanced study in studio art discipline beyond courses appearing in this catalog. Projects predetermined through interview with instructor, completed during studio times offered in discipline.
Course Type(s):
ART 2999 Sophomore Studio Art Seminar (3)
Prerequisites: Upon completion of 31 to 32 credits of the requirements towards an AFA degree (3rd semester)
A course for art majors planning to transfer to a four-year institution for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree or a BA degree in Studio Art. This course will guide students in how to photograph their artwork and prepare their visual art portfolio for review by the transfer institutions and exhibition spaces. Opportunities and procedures in the various fields of visual art will be discussed. Other necessary skills such as artist resume writing and artist statement writing will also be undertaken. Offered in Fall only.
Course Type(s):